Monday, October 25, 2010

Not Right Now: The Overdraw Facility

Unbeknownst to me I've been biting off more than I can chew. Financially, not literally of course. It seems ANZ, for many months have allowed me to spend up to $100.00 more than what I actually have in my account. Rather than just declining at $0.00 it seems that it is acceptable for customers to spend money which they don't have. 

I do not check the balance of this particular account as I am using it all the time and this high transaction vessel will fluctuate often, and I was left to think that when I ran out of money, it would stop me. Oh wasn't I wrong...

I have been robbed covertly for the last god knows how long by the very evil, but very real, Overdraw Facility.

This is not right now in every sense of the word. I do not have a credit card for a reason. But this story gets even worse. Every day that you account remains over drawn you are hit with a $6.00 fee.

Some questions I have are how on earth did I get to have the privilege of said facility? The privilege to be ripped off by a bank which wants to exploit an already expunged bank account and add insult to injury by taking additional money out of an account already in arrears.

I don't want to be the typical bank whinger but this is disgusting. In this case, Barbara, you should be ashamed of yourself.

It is not right now to change account function without notification, and it is not right now to expect additional fee's of an account with a $0.00 balance, considering it must be ZERO for a reason.

Bank FAIL. You sick bastards.

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