Thursday, October 28, 2010

Not Right Now: 3D Movies

Bad script? No story line? Don’t really know why you even made this movie in the first place? Don’t worry it won’t be shit once it’s in 3-mutha-friken-D!  - It seems Hollywood has apparently found its magic bullet/ escape goat for curing poorly produced piece of shit films. Well, it would like to think it has.

The word on the street is that 3D is a new way of ‘experiencing’ movies. We put on these ‘special’ glasses, stare at the giant screen and anticipate things to fly out of the screen with incredible realism. However, most times, it’s a lame leaf floating or a car slightly protruding, nothing ‘heart-stopping’ like what the posters promised. I always walk out feeling like I’ve been patronised, not only for looking like a douchebag but for paying $12 more for a 3 mere seconds of ‘experience’.     

Some organisation should get their stuff together and set a standard for movies to be ‘3D’. I mean if we’re all going to walk out with a headache at least be slightly qualified. Don’t get me wrong, there is ONE good 3D movie – Avatar. It was made for 3D, everything was design and shot in 3D. THAT is a legit excuse for it to be 3D but Justin Bieber movie? Yes, you read right, the Bieber fever will now invade our eyes. It seems like there will be no rest until the 3D-ness of the Bieber is burnt into our retinas.

Another movie that’s getting on my nerve is SAW 3D?! Which moron thought ‘oh yea, let’s make a 3D torture porn. People love blood and guts splattering out of the screen’ – Logic? Where did you go?

What 3D movie has truly amazed you? Do they even exist? Let me know, because in my opinion 3D is so Not Right Now.

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