Saturday, October 9, 2010

Not Right Now: Footy Player Misconduct

You all make us sick.

Here's the latest quote published in todays news, this time from the AFL code:

"He forced himself on me. I said 'No, no, no' heaps of times. As I remember, he had sex with me for only about five seconds."

"The girl, who cannot be named, said she continued to say no to sex as it was happening, then the player stood up from the bed and walked out the door calling her a "bitch and a slut and a tease".

Honestly, at what point do we stop justifying this neanderthal-like behaviour? (actually, I doubt this can even be expected from cave men).

It is Not Right Now to violate another human being, and we don't care what tent you were born in, or what ghetto you roll in. 

Touching a woman, underage or older non consensually, shitting on a hotel wall, or shit talking like you think for some reason the rules don't apply to you.

In a country where sporting heros are revelled and admired, what the hell example do you think you're setting, to children for example, who see what you do, and naturally emulate.

One would hope I don't see my younger family members shitting on a wall, but hey, they have half a brain so I doubt they would get in on this caper.

You are Not Right Now - in every sense of the phrase. Be known for your sport, not for your feceas or where you stick your unwelcome doodle. 

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