Sunday, October 31, 2010

Not Right Now: Brisvegas Hipster City Style Hijacking

After a weekend on the town with a southern friend, I was intrigued to discover Woodlands, the latest bar in the Valley that's so cool (because) that no one knows about it. 
This latest haven of hipsters is hidden down an access lane, decked out in a familiar eclectic decor and filled to the lolly brim with ironic floral prints, ragamuffin hair and tortoiseshell hornrims. Some vapid arts student I ended up chatting with declared she frequents the place because 'I heard they played the Smiths so I was sold'. Farking hell... (I'll save that rant for another evening).

Fucking look at me! Who am I?
I'm all for interesting decor and a different crowd but there's a movement gathering momentum north of the border that's been brewing for a while but only recently has really started to fester.

Brisbane, more-so than any other capital is hell-bent on being Melbourne. It's a strange ideal for 'Australia's New World City' that pervades most of the planning direction in the city.

The 'Vibrant Laneways' program has set out the vision for the city's unused spaces to become new corridors of culture, shopping and activity. But hang on... I can go to Melbourne and do that. And they do it well.

A recent walk down Albert Street on my lunch break highlighted council's failure. A small laneway had been decked out in fake grass and some el cheapo plastic chairs and tables scattered about whilst a miserable looking Jack Johnson wannabe was entertaining the wincing few that chose to take up the offer.

Melbourne has culture. Sydney has the harbour. Brisbane has... And there-in lies the problem. The solution is not to plagiarise our southern cousins but to do something unique with what we've got. Long regarded as a cultural wasteland, the solution is not to turn into Melbourneland.
This is what Brisbane does well: day parties, live music, beer gardens, the river (currently polluted and unused). A bit of money spent on what we've got will pay dividends well into the future. 
Hot Right Now: Differentiation and individualism.
Not Right Now: Try hards.


Friday, October 29, 2010

Hot Right Now: Fuck Yeah Menswear

We love a blog with balls and while we love a bit of fine fashion, we love it even more when someone takes the piss out of it!

Similar to unhappy hipsters, Fuck Yeah Menswear takes an otherwise arrogant fashion photos and transforms it into a barrel of laugh using some witty arse commentary.

An example below

Me and my bros.
Around the blogosphere in 80 days.
In the sartorial dick measuring contest we call life I’m undefeated.
As long as I’ve got this yacht the hipsters can never win.
Because they are poor and shop on eBay.
You probably think I’m going fishing with a cooler full of Heinies.
Channeling DJ Paulie Newman on some Life Magazine archive type shit.
Think again.
We’re not doing anything outside of lampin’ in espys, macking this fine ass broad and creasing our chinos.
It took me 15 minutes to get this bandanna right.
You think I’m gonna fuck that shit up by doing any manual labor disguised as a hobby?
My only hobby is looking fresh.
I repeat, my only hobby is looking fresh to death.
I repeat, my only hobby is looking fresh to death on my fucking yacht.

Hot Right Now: Satire and Menswear Fuck Yeah

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Hot Right Now: Robyn - Indestructible Video Premiere

We have nothing but praise for Robyn. One of the most intriguing, innovative and interesting pop artist in the music world today.

She starting up her own record label to do music her way. She wanted to break the mould of the usual album release, so instead of releasing one, she releases the three part Body Talk series.

She introduced us to the delicate and delectable acapella version of Indestructible in Part 2, and now she's ready to kick it with the electro banging version from Part 3.

The video - A sexual sensual sensory delight.
We already love her like we've never been hurt before, Hot Right Now presents Indestructible.

Robyn 'Indestructible' Official Video

Robyn | Myspace Music Videos

Not Right Now: 3D Movies

Bad script? No story line? Don’t really know why you even made this movie in the first place? Don’t worry it won’t be shit once it’s in 3-mutha-friken-D!  - It seems Hollywood has apparently found its magic bullet/ escape goat for curing poorly produced piece of shit films. Well, it would like to think it has.

The word on the street is that 3D is a new way of ‘experiencing’ movies. We put on these ‘special’ glasses, stare at the giant screen and anticipate things to fly out of the screen with incredible realism. However, most times, it’s a lame leaf floating or a car slightly protruding, nothing ‘heart-stopping’ like what the posters promised. I always walk out feeling like I’ve been patronised, not only for looking like a douchebag but for paying $12 more for a 3 mere seconds of ‘experience’.     

Some organisation should get their stuff together and set a standard for movies to be ‘3D’. I mean if we’re all going to walk out with a headache at least be slightly qualified. Don’t get me wrong, there is ONE good 3D movie – Avatar. It was made for 3D, everything was design and shot in 3D. THAT is a legit excuse for it to be 3D but Justin Bieber movie? Yes, you read right, the Bieber fever will now invade our eyes. It seems like there will be no rest until the 3D-ness of the Bieber is burnt into our retinas.

Another movie that’s getting on my nerve is SAW 3D?! Which moron thought ‘oh yea, let’s make a 3D torture porn. People love blood and guts splattering out of the screen’ – Logic? Where did you go?

What 3D movie has truly amazed you? Do they even exist? Let me know, because in my opinion 3D is so Not Right Now.

Hot Right Now: Badges That Make A Statement

Enough said

Hot Right Now: Westfield Pitt St Re-Opening

Bout bloody time too!

Today marks the first stages of the Westfield’s Pitt St opening in the Sydney CBD.

It’s been a long time coming too. Frankly trekking out to Bondi Junction dealing with the constant congestion is just a little too much these days. Not that the city is any better. Alas, this will inject a bit of colour into the baron wasteland that is Sydney’s shopping scene.

Now can they hurry up and open Zara! We are gagging for some moderately priced consistently mediocre mainstream fashion to purchase. Think it’s safe to say we're over American Apparel(especially since they've filed for the Big B-Rupt!) and it's day light robbery for basics.

Hot Right Now: Not being robbed and pillaged for inferior crap.

Whooo-RAR for Zara!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Hot Right Now: Sex Offender Tracker iPhone App

"Are you still hiding yo kids, hiding yo wife?"

Well look no further. Mr Antoine Dodson has got cho back with the release of the new iPhone Sex offender Tracker app.

Geniuses! Totally hot right now to take that pre-emptive step to identify sex offenders before they come rape you. Hot Right Now - Not getting raped!

All it will cost you is $1.99! Cheap at twice the price of your safety!

In the words of Antoine Dodson:
Basically, if dees people did done bad, and they near yo pad, the sex offender tracker is gunna show you were they at, and it’s as simple as that.
The video speaks so much more that we could. Here for your viewing pleasure.

Not Right Now: Paul the World Cup Octupus Dies

This is sad.

Paul the talented and tenticled creature of the deep has sadly died in his tank overnight.

He rose to fame through a remarkable series of 8, yes 8, correct world cup game predictions as he was made to decide on who would win world cup matches, right up until the final where under the world media spotlight, he correctly predicted Spain to be victorious as they beat Germany 1-0.

Paul made his predictions by consuming an oyster in the bottom of a glass box which bore the selected teams flag. He most certainly had his finger, or tentacle rather on the sports pulse as his predictions were most definitely credible.

It is hot right now to be a talented invertebrate, but it is not right now to live into your retirement. I guess its like what they say. The candle which burns twice as bright.

Aquarium keepers have said that they have been grooming a replacement for Paul, named Paul, to take on the job. It's safe to say Paul 2.0 has big shoes to fill. We look forward to the next world cup when we will see exactly what he has to offer.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Hot Right Now: Oxford St Restaurant

Literally - The Kitchen in a India Restaurant on the infamous strip combusted into flames and closed down parts of the street just after 12.30pm today!

I know I like my Vindaloo Hot Right Now - but this is something else.

If it was any street that was going to be flaming; it was always going to be Oxford. Oh the irony.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Hot Right Now: Demanding McMuffins Or Else Harming Ones Self

So apparently it’s totally Hot Right Now to threatening to hurt yourself unless you get a bacon and egg McMuffin.

Resorting to child-like behaviour to GET WHAT YOU WANT is the thing to do in Brisvegas!

The 54 (going on 8) year old man called in a 5am on today threatening to harm himself, with possibilities of explosives onboard his yacht.

Funnily enough the request for the bacon and egg roll was made after the 10.30am deadline! We know how Maccas can be Nazis about ordering brekkie after 10.30am. Talk about die hard with a hunger.

Take note kiddies. Hot Right Now: Curing your EXPLOSIVE hang over, with childish demands for bacon and egg McMuffins is the way to get what you want!

Not Right Now: Holding

Now we completely understand if you call a company for customer service, or to pay a bill, or make a complaint, you may have to hold while you wait for an operator to become available and answer your call.

So we’re sure you’re thinking that this is another one of those “I called Telstra to discuss a ridiculous overcharge on my bill and had to wait for 45 minutes before someone answered me…” no, it’s not.

We received a phone call today in the office, and were not greeted not with the usual “Hello, can I please speak to so and so?” no, we were greeted with “you have a call waiting for you PLEASE HOLD”!!!!!!!

We’re sorry, but you don’t call someone to place them on hold. Normally, we would’ve simply been fed up and hung up, but after we were placed in a queue (?) I was intrigued to see what kind of company would call someone just to piss them off from the get-go by placing them on hold.

After a few minutes of waiting and listening to a lady tell us that we were finally first in line, a woman answers the phone with a simple “Hello?”

That’s all we get? “Hello…?” we reply. “I want to speak to Mark,” the mystery voice says. Clunk. Sorry love, being placed on hold when we didn’t even make the call coupled with rude phone manner does not get you through to anyone in this office.

Not right now: Bullshit phone etiquette

Not Right Now: The Overdraw Facility

Unbeknownst to me I've been biting off more than I can chew. Financially, not literally of course. It seems ANZ, for many months have allowed me to spend up to $100.00 more than what I actually have in my account. Rather than just declining at $0.00 it seems that it is acceptable for customers to spend money which they don't have. 

I do not check the balance of this particular account as I am using it all the time and this high transaction vessel will fluctuate often, and I was left to think that when I ran out of money, it would stop me. Oh wasn't I wrong...

I have been robbed covertly for the last god knows how long by the very evil, but very real, Overdraw Facility.

This is not right now in every sense of the word. I do not have a credit card for a reason. But this story gets even worse. Every day that you account remains over drawn you are hit with a $6.00 fee.

Some questions I have are how on earth did I get to have the privilege of said facility? The privilege to be ripped off by a bank which wants to exploit an already expunged bank account and add insult to injury by taking additional money out of an account already in arrears.

I don't want to be the typical bank whinger but this is disgusting. In this case, Barbara, you should be ashamed of yourself.

It is not right now to change account function without notification, and it is not right now to expect additional fee's of an account with a $0.00 balance, considering it must be ZERO for a reason.

Bank FAIL. You sick bastards.

Not Right Now: X-Factor Australia

This is a joke right? Ashton? Where are you? Am I being Punkd?

Supposedly it cost 25 million dollars to put this monstrosity of a show together. 25 million dollars and what do we have to show for it?

I'll tell you. Absoultely nothing.

We do have however:

1. One crazy ageing wannabe rocker. Give me a fucking break. That tourtured genuiness act - you serious? You're not Bono, or Michael Hutchence! Get over your fucking self and eat some humble pie. When you've ACTUALLY made it, then you can hide in a cave all you want and act like you're a mental patient at leisure and we won't think you're a toss.

2. Mahogany? Pine at best! You're Guy Sebastians back up singers for a reason, because you aren't meant for the spotlight.

3. Sally Chatfield. Chat by name and chat by nature. If Casey Donavan couldn't make it with that wannabe Evanescence/Neo-Gothic crap, what hope do you have? Say it with me, Sunlight!

4. Luke and Joel. ummmm......WTF! Tone deaf and trying to perform aspirationally with their dopey expressions and outstreteched arms like Mother Teresa. How bout - exuding as much conviction as the Blue Wiggle. Honestly. Don't make me laugh.

5. India Rose who is she!?

6. Crooner's name who I can't remeber. Why? Because you're forgetable 

7. Other girl - Lady Gaga called. She wants her coat back. 

Lets be real for a minute here. LEONA LEWIS was a winner of the X-Factor UK. THAT is the kind of standard that you've have to compete against. None of these people can hold a candle to her. 

Now, don't get me wrong, we love a good talent show, but only when there is real talent there. Clearly none of these people have the X-Factor.

So the 25 million dollar question is, where did that 25 million dollars actually go?

Maybe it was that epic soundtrack in the judges intro glofiying them as some celebrity Gods. Arrogant much? How bout you calm down and come back down to reality. 

We think the money went to Snoop Dogg's "kids all over town" trust fund! Is this some Hot Right Now trend emerging? Giving money to Snoop Dogg? X-Factor, Jessica Mauboy, who's bloody next?
Hot Right Now: Investment in talent with a high ROI. 
Not Right Now: 25 million dollar white elephants. It could have been better spent on real ones in a wild life santuary.


"Why?" She asks

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Hot Right Now: Twitter Integration

If you love us....follow us...

Even if its off a cliff.

Hot Right Now....
Click Here

Hot Right Now: Confessions of a Local Stylista

Inspiration for our blog isn’t just from the other side of the globe but sourced from within our very own backyard. Despite the closeness of this mystery inspiration, this is in no way a reflection of their ability to pick a trend transcending their immediate proximity.

Our mystery inspirational person is not only on trend, sometimes beyond them, maybe picking them, but always well in advanced.

And lucky for you, we have some to share. Straight from the horse's mouth.

1.Anything early 90’s for the boys. Such a Michael Hutchence revival. I can’t believe I am giving away my secrets. But if you were a cool kid you would have picked up on this about a year ago.

2.I honestly think the sequins, leather and lace thing is still going to be around for another season. Admittedly, It is becoming way too main stream so there is definitely going to be a massive swing in trends next season. What you may ask? That would be giving you guys too much information. I may have to kill you.

3.The European guarded look is slowly etching its way back after several attempts. I think the Sydney boys are rocking this more than the girls. This is understandable as the high waisted chino’s are not exactly flattering on every girl. Let’s be honest here.

4.Anything by McQueen. So old but get your hands on some. Stunning

5.Forget the sartorialist. Diane Pernet’s ‘A Shaded View on Fashion' blog is phenom. I find her a little more on edge with the trends and she seems to have amazing connections. 

6.Mason Mathieu Berthemy’s collection. It’s definitely keeping me in the loop.

Watch this space for more fashion trend predictions from our local stylista.

Hot Right Now: GleeQ

And might we add – SMOKING!

Lea Michele, Dianna Agron & Cory Monteith looking like they finally shook off that goody two shoe image and become the over-sexed teens they’ve been dying to be.

Slut cats are outta the bag and on the prowl is this Grease Rydell High meets Debbie Does Dallas-esque photo shot!

Totally HOT right now to exude a bit of sex appeal.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Hot Right Now: 2 for 1 Rihanna - Who's That Chick

Seems like its a Hot Right Now-athon in the music space of late and today looks to be no different with Rihanna and Dorito's finally officially releasing the "Who's That Chick" video.

What we thought was only going to be 1 video with the massive leak fuck up, is actually a double video....Kinda like that crazy dude with the rainbows.

And yes, I'll say it again. We LOVE 2 for the price of 1 at HRN/NRN. Cheap bastards we are.

Rihanna brings the value add to the dance floor with the Day and Night version of the filthy stinking rich bankable David Guetta production - "Who's That Chick"


Who's That Chick (Day/Night Versions) from Jon ALi on Vimeo.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Hot Right Now: Willow Smith - Whip My Hair Video Premiere

Only 3 hrs up and it's already been ripped down from Youtube by record companies.

Fear Not!

We have the latest child star's who is about to land into obscene amounts of money and become a screwed up celebrity train wreck new video

Who knew headbanging in a clown wig could look so fun! 

Willow sure knows how to rock rainbow vomit.

Oi Mauboy! Watch and learn please.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Hot Right Now: Canonisation

Saint Mary of the Cross, as she is officially known, was canonised in Rome tonight. This is a hot right now for religion, and for Australia as this is our first ever saint.

Saint Mary was born in Melbourne on January 15, 1842.

It seems religion is hot right now once again, particularly for us Aussies, as up to 8000 Australian pilgrims gathered in St Peter's Square to watch the rite of canonisation and mass led by the Pope. This combined with local celebrations made this a truly landmark occasion.

Saint Mary founded the order of Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart, with Father Julian Tenison Woods, to help educate and care for poor children in rural areas. Sister was on a mission!

This acknowledgment was 85 years in the making, with the strict procedure of validation being undertaken on two healing miracles, and in depth research into her life and times.

The Pope said that for years, countless young Australians had been blessed with teachers inspired by Saint Mary.

Religious or not, it is hot right now to give to the community, and get to be a saint for it.

Hot Right Now: Hairography

Not just mutually exclusive to Glee episodes - Hairography is sweeping the nation and 13 year old sexually frustrated minors everywhere a whipping their hair back and forth to the sounds of Willow Smith. 

How old are you again??? Mini bitch got game.

It is totally Hot Right Now to pat that weave and flip that switch whilst shaking your booty and gyrating those hips like awkward uncle Ira on the dance floor at your sisters bar mitzvah.

Girls, we can ONLY imagine how proud ya'll making yo mamma in this video

UPDATE - Muppet Slut Whips her hair!

Hot Right Now: The Maccas Fries Bluff

We told you about the KFC Screw Up in an earlier post, but it seems that McDonalds are the latest fast food retailer to fall victim to incompetency.
Service assistants are so consumed by getting the paper bag through the window within the 3 minute time limit, that they become customer service 'attention road kill'. They are forced to operate within strict parameters as a result of the new guarantee McDonalds is offering (your meal in 3 minutes or a free burger on your next visit). 

This has sent the morons into a state as it now means that they need to complete their 3 step production work tasks to a time limit.

The phenomenally dopey thing is that in their rush to get the bag to the consumer they cannot be sure that the orders are complete.  It would be a bit much for us to expect that McDonalds staff can think of two things at once so you can't blame the bastards. 

Enter the cunning junk food consumer...

It is a sure bet to success if you complain of an incomplete order, call bluff at the cashier and demand that the 'missing fries' be added to your order. Potency to your argument is assured with a simple loop around the car park to add legitimacy. 

The drive through staff will not get into a war of "he said, she said" regarding your deep fried spuds and will 9 times out of 10 offer you a large fries for the inconvenience. Win.

Your chances of bluffing your way into more significant meal items increases with graveyard shift staff. 

They, if possible, are even worse communicators, and if you can point and grunt well enough, they will throw food at the problem rather than try and workshop a solution.

It is hot right now to get bang for your buck. Exude confidence, and get that freebie. Their lack of quality control is your full tummy.

Hot Right Now: Cats With Rubix Cubes

Logical, colourful, fluffy and fun.

We love a smart pussy.

Not Right Now: The Undeserved Hat

Earlier this week we posted about the very much hot right now list of elite restaurants which have earned hats from the 2010 Good Food Guide. However, upon my experience to one of them in particular this week, it is not right now not to back it up.

Sailors Thai on Macleay Street, Potts Point is definitely undeserving of this accolade. The service? Appalling. The Atmosphere? Sterile. And most importantly, the food? Well, lets be real, it's expensive Thai.

It's unfortunate that a restaurant can charge exorbitant amount of money and offer so little to diners. You cannot ride the wave of the award and not back it up past assessment season.

Sailors Thai, you are not right now, and if you were on your navy ship, I guarantee you would have been sunk by an enemy submarine and you'd be flailing in the deep blue ocean by now. As Enya said, Sail away, sail away, sail away, you food fail.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Hot Right Now: Turning Off The Red Light

Government reforms, Religious reforms, Health Reforms, Pilate’s reformers and now Slut reforms. Yes you heard me right; TRADING in your one off TRADES for a more savoury state of affairs is totally Hot Right Now!

Let’s be clear on this, we’ve all been there (generally speaking). We’ve all had our turn of being “Jenny been around the block and back” - so no judgement here.

Let’s face, everyone needs to go through a slutty phase every now and again. Whether you’ve always been in LTR and are now recently single, or hell even if you’ve been in 5 different relationships over the last 2 years, it’s always great to renew that confidence and get your ego stroked with some downright dirty action.

Nothing wrong with some spontaneous random booty or a drunk n’ horny call at 3am whilst floating down the sea of human trash that is Oxford St on a Saturday night. We’re only human right?

We all think its all part of life and great for character building, however what’s even hotter than hot sex with a whore is reforming your slutty self and leaving those wicked ways behind you.

We say convert your morals of an alley cat to one of a Paddington House wife out to get her WHYTE FLARWERS from the florist down in FFAAIVE WYAYS.  

Hot Right Now: Turning off that Red Light....Go on you dirty stop out!

Hot Right Now: When Dirty Scrags Have A Shower

Need I say more???

Hot Right Now: Katy Perry Bringing Fireworks to Victoria Secret

Exciting news for the fashion and music industry combined as it has been confirmed that the brunette (or sometimes blue) bombshell, recording artist Katy Perry has been locked in to perform in the annual catwalk production spectacle.

Ms Perry is said to be performing her upcoming single, Firework and is almost guaranteed to be 'donning something sparkly and skimpy.

Katy brings some star power to the show who has two notable absences this year. Firstly, the heavily pregnant Miranda Kerr will not be participating (for obvious reasons), and the radiant Heidi Klum, who separated from the brand earlier this year.

Katy is definitely hot right now, and with a banging bod to boot, she's the perfect musical and aesthetic choice for the brand.

It is hot right now to make your brand topical, and Victorias Secret are obviously capitalising on Katy's skyrocket to fame, victorias secret have brought her in to breath even more life into the full-blown production spectacular. 

Katy clearly has to big 'credentials' sitting proud under her chin and we can't wait to see what Katy's goodies appear in!

Don't forget to tune in to watch Katy and her newly modified chest work it down the catwalk, and surely cause 'fireworks' a plenty!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Hot Right Now: HRN/NRN Facebook Page

Find out what's Hot Right Now, or what is Not Right Now first and "like" our Facebook page.

Click Here...

and get your finger on the pulse with regular updates from the blog that's got balls.

It's the blog that dares to go there. And back again!

Do it!

Hot Right Now: Today's Weather

Literally!! - Today was Hot Right Now and we got a delectable taste of the Summer season that is ever drawing nearer.

We can't wait for a Fiery, Burning Hot Right Now Summer filled with the three B's....

Beaches, babes, and booze!

However while we wait, yes please mother nature! Bring on more days like these.

Hot Right Now: Slashies

It’s no longer enough to only just subscribe to one social tribe in today’s modern world.

Being Emo and only Emo just does not cut it anymore.

“Is being a candy raver all that you are? Really? Are interested in any other music besides happy hardcore?”

Gone are the days where you could sit comfortably in one and only one social scene. It’s not cool anymore just to be pigeon-holed into one group; one must be associated with multiple groups to be seen as cool.  

Call this the rise of the hipster Slashie! Defined as someone subscribing to multiple groups and having multiple interests. Hot Right Now: Multiplicity!

A few examples for those who don’t quite get what I mean yet:

Johnny works in media/is a pseudo photographer/likes to hang out at small bar Shady Pines/feels like a traitor when he hangs out at Ching-a-lings/is a superstar Dj at the coolest seedy club in Sydney/likes to make his own music in his spare time/writes a blog about his nuts

Danielle works at General Pants during the day/makes her own jewellery and sell it at Fringe Bar markets along with her various second hand clothing items she no longer wants/hangs out at Pocket bar and likes the crapes there/is a not a part time model/likes to run underground parties in empty mosques

In order to have any social currency these days, kids today will go to great lengths and do multiple things to not appear one dimensional. Kinda like the jack of all trades, master of none notion.

Frankly – we don’t mind this new direction that the youth of today are heading in. It kind of gets boring listening to a person harp on about being Emo and how they slash themselves to feel anything because they’re depressed. Hot right now: Being Happy!

Be a slashie, not take one at your wrists. Go on, put the knife down. :)

Hot Right Now: Making 2 Music Video Versions Of The Same Track

Another lesson for you Jessica Mauboy - this time, from the greastest of the great unwashed and Queen of all scags....


Dirty bitch represents!

She might not have had a shower for a couple of weeks and has had her voice Auto-Tuned to within an inch of it's life but we think its totally HOT RIGHT NOW to make two video clip versions for the one song.

Even the lifestyles of the rich and talentless "Que$h-Que$h" can come up with a half decent looking video clip. It would seem you don't even need a killer song either to warrent doing another video.

The newly release second version of Take it off channels some cool elements of 80s hard - ala tron, david bowie in labyrinth and revenge of the nerds.

Hot Right Now: 2 for the price of 1...and you know we love a bargain at HRN/NRN - CHEAP at twice the price! 
Not Right Now: Cheap LOOKING at twice the price + Snoop Dogg.

Time to get back into that studio JESSICA!

Hot Right Now: Chile Miners

You've obviously been underground if you haven't heard about the inspirational story of the 33 trapped miners in Chile (underground, ha-ha).

Months of painstaking work has gone into working out exactly how rescue teams were going to save the miners who were trapped underground for 10 weeks.

The first miner rescued was 31 year old father of two Florencio Avalos, who was brought to the surface around 2pm yesterday, to the cheers of thousands as they embraced the act of human resilience. There was still alot of work to be done however.

"The world will never forget ... hopefully the example of these miners will stay with us forever," he said.

"This won't be over until all 33 are out," the President said. 

"Hopefully the spirit of these miners will remain forever with us. ... This country is capable of great things."

The capsule which they are using to rescue the miners comprises of a metal cage barely big enough for a person to fit inside, and it was lowered into the rescue shaft and lifted slowly back to ground level in a test run before the rescue teams proceeded to real thing.

The miners will continue to be brought to the surface, 1 by 1, until all miners have been rescued. This is expected to end after a tedious 36 hour ordeal.

The ability to overcome such danger and hardship is applaudable. Survival is definitely hot right now. Inspiring stuff!