Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Not Right Now: RedRoom DVD

RedRoom DVD? More like Red 'Rort' DVD!

If there is a company which preaches to be self service, but is anything but, it is RedRoom DVD.

For those of you who do not know what RedRoom DVD is, don't bother, because the minute a worthwhile competitor comes into business, they will be out quicker than an infidel when the door bell rings!

Their website describes their services as 'the revolution of the video rental store', we beg to differ.

On 3 separate occasions, I have experienced what I will dub the "unmanned DVD store / customer stalemate". 

Simply, this can be articulated when you have rented a DVD and go to return it, only to realise your account balance is zero. 

As you cannot return the DVD and move into arrears, you have to recharge your account via cash or credit card payment methods. With the credit card facility down you are left to recharge with cash. Hang on... What do you know, the cash machine does not work either!

How is one to get out of this vicious cycle? Well I haven't got that far yet, but I will make sure my opinion of these inadequacies are heard. This is definitely a not right now.

It has been 3 days now and I am still waiting to return my straight to DVD movie, which is probably now at its cost in late fees. I would complain to the franchisee who normally perches himself on a laptop in store, but he's been missing in action for days now also.

Why is it we are living in a society where it is increasingly realised that we are accepting sub par service? Convenience should not be at the expense of quality. It is just a shame that with DVD rental outlets on the fall due to increased eMovie access, this will probably not be dealt with as less competition means more complacency.

It is not right now to provide shonky service, and definitely not right now to not be present for feedback.

What are we to do in this instance... I'm at a loss. This is consumer ease failure at its finest. Time to buy a T-Box or Apple TV so the buck stops with me.

Not. Happy.

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