No need for witty comment here. Said. |
Traditionally mob mentality has come with the negative perception of violence and unruly riots of the great unwashed, acting out to get what they want, leaving behind a path of destruction and debris.
Today I witness and was a part of a different mob mentality.
I catch the bus every morning. The passenger variance of my bus is quite high with some days everyone is seated happily and some days not. People have experience it. Solve their own personal public transport problems by catching an earlier bus or getting on a stop ahead of their usual norm. Nature of the beast.
It is no surprise to anyone (despite how unacceptable it is) when the bus is overloaded (with the maximum amount of passengers 15) it will skip the next stop. It is also no surprise when the bus driver stops any sneaky passenger trying to force their way on once quota is reached. Again, despite how shit this situation is, the bus driver is well in his rights to deny people a ride should he feel the safety of his already existing passengers is in compromise. After all, they can get fined and could lose their job. Fair enough.
So today - an overloaded bus, two skipped bus stops later, we arrive at one particular city stop (to which there are many an alternative means of transport is available should this one fail) two women force themselves onto the bus after being denied by the driver. In a display of ignorance, one of them dips her travel pass despite clearly hearing the driver say "the bus is full, no more passengers."
Bus driver says "You need to get off the bus; I cannot drive the bus with more than 15 people standing. You need to get off."
Woman says "It's just one stop, it’s nothing."
Bus Driver says "No, I cannot drive the bus, I get fined. Please get off the bus."
The argument continues for at least a minutes and builds up with more words exchanged. People are yelling out to the woman to get off the bus. Others yell out you're making us late for work. All of a sudden things go silent as the Mexican standoff between the stubborn woman who refuses to get off the bus and the bus driver and his band of loyal/pissed off passengers comes to head.
*eearry silence*
In a fit of frustration I yell out "CLEARLY the bus isn't going anywhere....so get the fuck off!"
The bus load of people breaks out in laughter.
You would think, that after failing to get approval from the bus driver and the added embarrassment of being shamed by a passenger, you would admit defeat and retreat while you still had some dignity? I thought wrong. This woman keeps on persisting.
Find the witch! Kill the witch! RAR RAR RAR! |
In an attempt to solve the bus hostage at the mercy of this middle aged woman in her sports jacket, an angry passenger yells out "OPEN THE BACK DOOR" and gets off in a flamboyant huff martyr like ceremonial sacrifice that could rival the great human sacrifices of the Aztec's. Personally, I thought the guy was a dickdead and didn't accomplish anything in the end in this self-sacrificing act but hey, whatever floats your boat dude.
It now becomes 5 minutes into the halt and more and more passengers become increasingly frustrated. The jeers becoming more frequent as the peanut gallery of passengers throw in their 2 bobs worth of comment. Again I feel the need to publically yell out "Why would you even want an awkward bus ride now?!"
In a bid to get the bus moving, despite being 1 passenger up (now with the martyr off the bus), the bus driver succumbs to allowing her to ride.
I should mention woman two taking a more low key approach, having already paid and not attempting to fight the mob of angry passengers, woman one dips her bus pass only to find her ticket is invalid which the bus driver is so quick to point out. He demands that she pays. Woman starts to scramble in her wallet to find another ticket. She dips. Another invalid ticket! The jeers become louder and more frequent and more intense. The bus driver repeats "INVAID TICKET INVAID TICKET." Woman continues to scramble. The jeers get louder "GET OFF THE BUS. GET OFF THE BUS."
What felt like a hopeless situation suddenly becomes resolved, the woman finally succumbs to the mob mentality and gets of the god damn bus and into the dagger stares of the martyr passenger sitting on the bus seat outside. During this glorious moment, a wave of clapping and cheering sweeps over the bus.
Bus departs stop. Life goes on albeit late for work.
FAIL. Love - it's not in your best interests pissing off the bus driver and the passengers who you are probably going to see every day. Unless you're a glutton for punishment, it will just be awkward every time you get on the bus. I don't foresee this woman showing her face on the bus anytime soon. Dumb bitch.
Hot Right Now: Mob mentality getting things done.
Not Right Now: Idiotic, self righteous people thinking they can beat the mob mentality
Hot Right Now: Cute bus driver with the akubra hat standing his ground
Not Right Now: Sydney Buses. Put some more god damn buses on in peak time
Lesson: Don't mess with the bus driver!